variable "section" { type = string description = "Section in EdgeRC file that contains API client credentials" } variable "contract_id" { type = string description = "Contract ID for property/config creation" } variable "group_id" { type = string description = "Group ID for property/config creation" } variable "product_id" { type = string description = "Property Manager product" } variable "user_id"{ type = string description = "unique ID for each lab user" } variable "rule_format" { type = string description = "Property rule format" } variable "secure" { type = bool description = "Switch between enhanced and standard TLS" } variable "email" { type = string description = "Email address used for activations" } variable "ip_block_list" { type = list(any) description = "IP Block List IPs" default = [] } variable "ip_block_list_exceptions" { type = list(any) description = "IP Block List Exceptions IPs" default = [] } variable "security_bypass_list" { type = list(any) description = "Security Bypass List IPs" default = [] } variable "rate_bypass_list" { type = list(any) description = "Rate Control Bypass List IPs" default = [] } variable "pragma_exceptions" { type = list(any) description = "Pragma Removal Exceptions IPs" default = [] } variable "enable_siem" { type = bool default = true description = "On/Off option for SIEM feature" } variable "enable_client_rep" { type = bool default = true description = "On/Off option for Client Reputation feature" } variable "enable_slow_post" { type = bool default = true description = "On/Off option for Slow Post feature" } variable "cp_code_id" { type = number description = "CP Code for reporting" } variable "edge_hostname" { type = string description = "Edge hostname for property" } variable "network" { type = string description = "Akamai network for activation" } variable "security_policy_name" { type = string } variable "security_policy_prefix" { type = string } variable "host_names" { type = list(string) } variable "geo_block_list" { type = list(any) description = "Blocked geos" }