{ "children": [ { "behaviors": [ { "name": "dnsAsyncRefresh", "options": { "enabled": true, "timeout": "1h" } }, { "name": "timeout", "options": { "value": "5s" } }, { "name": "readTimeout", "options": { "value": "120s" } } ], "comments": "Optimize the connection between edge and origin.", "name": "Origin connectivity", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" }, { "behaviors": [ { "name": "enhancedAkamaiProtocol", "options": { "display": "" } }, { "name": "http3", "options": { "enable": true } }, { "name": "http2", "options": { "enabled": "" } }, { "name": "allowTransferEncoding", "options": { "enabled": true } }, { "name": "sureRoute", "options": { "enableCustomKey": false, "enabled": true, "forceSslForward": false, "raceStatTtl": "30m", "srDownloadLinkTitle": "", "testObjectUrl": "/akamai/sureroute-test-object.html", "toHostStatus": "INCOMING_HH", "type": "PERFORMANCE" } } ], "comments": "Serve your website using modern and fast protocols.", "name": "Protocol optimizations", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" }, { "children": [ { "behaviors": [ { "name": "prefetch", "options": { "enabled": true } } ], "children": [ { "behaviors": [ { "name": "prefetch", "options": { "enabled": false } } ], "comments": "Disable prefetching for specific clients identifying themselves as bots and crawlers. This avoids requesting unnecessary resources from the origin.", "criteria": [ { "name": "userAgent", "options": { "matchCaseSensitive": false, "matchOperator": "IS_ONE_OF", "matchWildcard": true, "values": [ "*bot*", "*crawl*", "*spider*" ] } } ], "name": "Bots", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" } ], "comments": "Define for which HTML pages prefetching should be enabled.", "name": "Prefetching objects", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" }, { "behaviors": [ { "name": "prefetchable", "options": { "enabled": true } } ], "comments": "Define which resources should be prefetched.", "criteria": [ { "name": "fileExtension", "options": { "matchCaseSensitive": false, "matchOperator": "IS_ONE_OF", "values": [ "css", "js", "jpg", "jpeg", "jp2", "png", "gif", "svg", "svgz", "webp", "eot", "woff", "woff2", "otf", "ttf" ] } } ], "name": "Prefetchable objects", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" } ], "comments": "Instruct edge servers to retrieve embedded resources before the browser requests them.", "name": "Prefetching", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" }, { "behaviors": [ { "name": "adaptiveAcceleration", "options": { "abLogic": "DISABLED", "enableBrotliCompression": false, "enablePreconnect": true, "enablePush": true, "enableRo": false, "preloadEnable": true, "source": "mPulse", "titleHttp2ServerPush": "", "titlePreconnect": "", "titlePreload": "", "titleRo": "" } } ], "comments": "Automatically and continuously apply performance optimizations to your website using machine learning.", "name": "Adaptive acceleration", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" } ], "comments": "Control the settings related to improving the performance of delivering objects to your users.", "name": "Accelerate delivery", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" }