<# .SYNOPSIS Create and run test suite .DESCRIPTION Submit a multi-case test suite to v3 of the test-center API and execute it .PARAMETER UserID ID of the user executing the test. Must be the same as that used in your hostname creation previously .EXAMPLE > .\New-AkaUTests.ps1 -UserID example #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $UserID, [Parameter()] [string] $EdgeRCFile, [Parameter()] [string] $Section, [Parameter()] [string] $AccountSwitchKey ) $CommonParams = @{ EdgeRCFile = $EdgeRCFile Section = $Section AccountSwitchKey = $AccountSwitchKey } # 1. Create test suite with child objects $TestSuiteJSON = @" { "testSuiteName": "AkaULab-$UserID-TestSuite", "isLocked": false, "isStateful": false, "testCases": [ { "clientProfile": { "client": "CURL", "ipVersion": "IPV4" }, "condition": { "conditionExpression": "Response code is one of \"302\"" }, "testRequest": { "requestMethod": "GET", "testRequestUrl": "https://{{userId}}mastertflab.akaudevops.com" } }, { "clientProfile": { "client": "CURL", "ipVersion": "IPV4" }, "condition": { "conditionExpression": "Response header \"X-Akamai-Staging\" has a value that equals \"ESSL\"" }, "testRequest": { "requestMethod": "GET", "testRequestUrl": "https://{{userId}}mastertflab.akaudevops.com" } }, { "clientProfile": { "client": "CURL", "ipVersion": "IPV4" }, "condition": { "conditionExpression": "Caching option is cache with max-age of \"30\" days" }, "testRequest": { "requestMethod": "GET", "testRequestUrl": "https://{{userId}}mastertflab.akaudevops.com/assets/public/images/JuiceShop_Logo.png" } }, { "clientProfile": { "client": "CURL", "ipVersion": "IPV4" }, "condition": { "conditionExpression": "Response code is one of \"302\"" }, "testRequest": { "requestMethod": "GET", "testRequestUrl": "https://{{userId}}mastertflab-test.akaudevops.com" } }, { "clientProfile": { "client": "CURL", "ipVersion": "IPV4" }, "condition": { "conditionExpression": "Response header \"X-Test-Environment\" has a value that equals \"true\"" }, "testRequest": { "requestMethod": "GET", "testRequestUrl": "https://{{userId}}mastertflab-test.akaudevops.com" } }, { "clientProfile": { "client": "CURL", "ipVersion": "IPV4" }, "condition": { "conditionExpression": "Response header \"cache-control\" has a value that contains \"no-store\"" }, "testRequest": { "requestMethod": "GET", "testRequestUrl": "https://{{userId}}mastertflab-test.akaudevops.com/style.css" } }, { "clientProfile": { "client": "CURL", "ipVersion": "IPV4" }, "condition": { "conditionExpression": "Response code is one of \"403\"" }, "testRequest": { "testRequestUrl": "https://{{userId}}mastertflab.akaudevops.com/?pasword='OR%201=1", "requestMethod": "GET" } }, { "clientProfile": { "client": "CURL", "ipVersion": "IPV4" }, "condition": { "conditionExpression": "Response code is one of \"403\"" }, "testRequest": { "testRequestUrl": "https://{{userId}}mastertflab.akaudevops.com/", "requestMethod": "GET", "requestHeaders": [ { "headerName": "blockme", "headerValue": "true", "headerAction": "ADD" } ] } }, { "clientProfile": { "client": "CHROME", "ipVersion": "IPV4" }, "condition": { "conditionExpression": "Response code is one of \"403\"" }, "testRequest": { "testRequestUrl": "https://{{userId}}mastertflab.akaudevops.com/rest/user/login", "requestMethod": "POST" } }, { "clientProfile": { "client": "CURL", "ipVersion": "IPV4" }, "condition": { "conditionExpression": "Response code is one of \"403\"" }, "testRequest": { "testRequestUrl": "https://{{userId}}mastertflab.akaudevops.com/", "requestMethod": "GET", "requestHeaders": [ { "headerName": "X-Forwarded-For", "headerValue": "", "headerAction": "ADD" } ] } }, { "clientProfile": { "client": "CURL", "ipVersion": "IPV4" }, "condition": { "conditionExpression": "Response header \"set-cookie\" has a value that contains \"language=ko_KR\"" }, "testRequest": { "testRequestUrl": "https://{{userId}}mastertflab.akaudevops.com/", "requestMethod": "GET", "requestHeaders": [ { "headerName": "X-Forwarded-For", "headerValue": "", "headerAction": "ADD" } ] } } ], "variables": [ { "variableName": "userId", "variableValue": "$UserID" } ] } "@ try { $TestSuite = Invoke-AkamaiRestMethod -Method POST -Path '/test-management/v3/functional/test-suites/with-child-objects' -Body $TestSuiteJSON @CommonParams } catch { Write-Error "Error creating test suite. Cannot continue" Write-Error $_ return } # 2. Execute Test Suite $TestExecutionJSON = @" { "functional": { "testSuiteExecutions": [ { "testSuiteId": $($TestSuite.success.testSuiteId) } ] }, "targetEnvironment": "STAGING", "note": "Executing test suite for user $UserID", "sendEmailOnCompletion": false } "@ try { $Run = Invoke-AkamaiRestMethod -Method POST -Path '/test-management/v3/test-runs' -Body $TestExecutionJSON @CommonParams } catch { Write-Error "Error executing test suite $($TestSuite.success.testSuiteId). Cannot continue" Write-Error $_ return } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Test suite $($TestSuite.success.testSuiteId) created. Wait a few minutes before retrieving test run results with ID: $($Run.testRunId)"