{ "behaviors": [ { "name": "caching", "options": { "behavior": "NO_STORE" } }, { "name": "tieredDistribution", "options": { "enabled": true } }, { "name": "validateEntityTag", "options": { "enabled": false } }, { "name": "removeVary", "options": { "enabled": false } }, { "name": "cacheError", "options": { "enabled": true, "preserveStale": true, "ttl": "10s" } }, { "name": "cacheKeyQueryParams", "options": { "behavior": "INCLUDE_ALL_ALPHABETIZE_ORDER" } }, { "name": "prefreshCache", "options": { "enabled": true, "prefreshval": 90 } }, { "name": "downstreamCache", "options": { "allowBehavior": "LESSER", "behavior": "ALLOW", "sendHeaders": "CACHE_CONTROL", "sendPrivate": false } }, { "name": "modifyViaHeader", "options": { "enabled": true, "modificationOption": "REMOVE_HEADER" } } ], "children": [ { "behaviors": [ { "name": "caching", "options": { "behavior": "MAX_AGE", "mustRevalidate": false, "ttl": "7d" } } ], "comments": "Override the default caching behavior for CSS and JavaScript", "criteria": [ { "name": "fileExtension", "options": { "matchCaseSensitive": false, "matchOperator": "IS_ONE_OF", "values": [ "css", "js" ] } } ], "name": "CSS and JavaScript", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "any" }, { "behaviors": [ { "name": "caching", "options": { "behavior": "MAX_AGE", "mustRevalidate": false, "ttl": "30d" } } ], "comments": "Override the default caching behavior for fonts.", "criteria": [ { "name": "fileExtension", "options": { "matchCaseSensitive": false, "matchOperator": "IS_ONE_OF", "values": [ "eot", "woff", "woff2", "otf", "ttf" ] } } ], "name": "Fonts", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "any" }, { "behaviors": [ { "name": "caching", "options": { "behavior": "MAX_AGE", "mustRevalidate": false, "ttl": "30d" } } ], "comments": "Override the default caching behavior for images.", "criteria": [ { "name": "fileExtension", "options": { "matchCaseSensitive": false, "matchOperator": "IS_ONE_OF", "values": [ "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "webp", "jp2", "ico", "svg", "svgz" ] } } ], "name": "Images", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "any" }, { "behaviors": [ { "name": "caching", "options": { "behavior": "MAX_AGE", "mustRevalidate": false, "ttl": "7d" } } ], "comments": "Override the default caching behavior for files. Files containing Personal Identified Information (PII) should require Edge authentication or not be cached at all.", "criteria": [ { "name": "fileExtension", "options": { "matchCaseSensitive": false, "matchOperator": "IS_ONE_OF", "values": [ "pdf", "doc", "docx", "odt" ] } } ], "name": "Files", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "any" }, { "behaviors": [ { "name": "caching", "options": { "behavior": "MAX_AGE", "mustRevalidate": false, "ttl": "7d" } } ], "comments": "Override the default caching behavior for other static objects.", "criteria": [ { "name": "fileExtension", "options": { "matchCaseSensitive": false, "matchOperator": "IS_ONE_OF", "values": [ "aif", "aiff", "au", "avi", "bin", "bmp", "cab", "carb", "cct", "cdf", "class", "dcr", "dtd", "exe", "flv", "gcf", "gff", "grv", "hdml", "hqx", "ini", "mov", "mp3", "nc", "pct", "ppc", "pws", "swa", "swf", "txt", "vbs", "w32", "wav", "midi", "wbmp", "wml", "wmlc", "wmls", "wmlsc", "xsd", "zip", "pict", "tif", "tiff", "mid", "jxr", "jar" ] } } ], "name": "Other static objects", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "any" }, { "behaviors": [ { "name": "caching", "options": { "behavior": "NO_STORE" } }, { "name": "cacheKeyQueryParams", "options": { "behavior": "IGNORE", "exactMatch": true, "parameters": [ "gclid", "fbclid", "utm_source", "utm_campaign", "utm_medium", "utm_content" ] } } ], "comments": "Override the default caching behavior for HTML pages cached on edge servers.", "criteria": [ { "name": "fileExtension", "options": { "matchCaseSensitive": false, "matchOperator": "IS_ONE_OF", "values": [ "html", "htm", "php", "jsp", "aspx", "EMPTY_STRING" ] } } ], "name": "HTML pages", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" }, { "behaviors": [ { "name": "cacheRedirect", "options": { "enabled": "false" } } ], "comments": "Configure caching for HTTP redirects. The redirect is cached for the same TTL as a 200 HTTP response when this feature is enabled.", "name": "Redirects", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" }, { "behaviors": [ { "name": "cachePost", "options": { "enabled": false } } ], "comments": "Define when HTTP POST requests should be cached. You should enable it under a criteria match.", "name": "POST responses", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" }, { "behaviors": [ { "name": "graphqlCaching", "options": { "enabled": false } } ], "comments": "Define when your GraphQL queries should be cached.", "criteria": [ { "name": "path", "options": { "matchCaseSensitive": false, "matchOperator": "MATCHES_ONE_OF", "normalize": false, "values": [ "/graphql" ] } } ], "name": "GraphQL", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" }, { "behaviors": [ { "name": "downstreamCache", "options": { "behavior": "BUST" } } ], "comments": "Configure the default client caching behavior for uncacheable content at the edge.", "criteria": [ { "name": "cacheability", "options": { "matchOperator": "IS_NOT", "value": "CACHEABLE" } } ], "name": "Uncacheable objects", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" } ], "comments": "Control the settings related to caching content at the edge and in the browser. As a result, fewer requests go to your origin, fewer bytes leave your data centers, and your assets are closer to your users.", "name": "Offload origin", "options": {}, "criteriaMustSatisfy": "all" }