read -p "Enter the prefix for the URL: " prefix |
read -p "Enter the prefix for the URL: " prefix |
# Construct URLs with the user-provided prefix |
# Construct URLs with the user-provided prefix |
url="https://${prefix}.gslab-juiceshop.com/api/Feedbacks/" |
url="https://${prefix}.gslab-juiceshop.com/rest/admin/application-configuration" |
# Generating POST requests for /api/Feedbacks/ |
echo "Generating POST requests for /api/Feedbacks/" |
siege -c150 -t10s "$url POST {\"captchaId\": 81, \"captcha\": \"9\", \"comment\": \"i like it! (anonymous)\", \"rating\": 5}" --content-type "application/json" |
# Generating POST requests for rest/admin/application-configuration |
echo "Generating GET requests for rest/admin/application-configuration" |
siege -c150 -t10s "$url |